We have the know-how you need.
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We have expertise and experience to give you the confidence to know your property will be properly managed. Our role, as managers, is to empower the Committee to be responsible for their own property and to advise it in the best ways of achieving financial stability, legislative compliance, maximise building efficiency and create a community environment that respects the Rules and promotes harmony.​
Arranging insurance
Collecting Contributions and levies
Maintaining records
Setting the Budget
Organising and conducting annual general meetings
General Maintenance
Liaising with committee members
Certificate issuance

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Facility Management is to make sure that buildings and their services meet the needs of the people that work in them. Facilities managers are accountable for services such as cleaning, security and parking, to make sure the surrounding environment is in a suitable condition to work.
ZSM is structured to effectively select, appoint and manage specialist providers of facilities management services. This provides for optimal access to a wide breadth of services, cost efficiencies, level of service, flexibility and control over performance.

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There is a lot of administration involved in running an Owners Corporation and we’ll manage all of the regulatory and day to day administration efficiently and effectively.
Establish and operate a separate bank account in the name of the owners corporation
Keep books of account covering all income and expenditure and assets and liabilities of the owners corporation
Issue notices for fees set and special fees levied by the owners corporation
Pay invoices and insurance premiums on behalf of the owners corporation
Reconciliation of bank accounts
Arrange insurance and insurance renewals with or through the authorising licensees
Arrange a valuation of the cost of reinstatement and replacement of the building when requested by the owners corporation
Maintain a roll of owners names and addresses
Deal with routine inward and outward correspondence
Keep and supervise the use of the common seal
Keep the records of the owners corporation, including meeting minutes and postal ballots
Annual General Meeting
Convene and attend Annual General Meetings held during office hours
Submit budgets and financial statements
Record minutes of the Annual General Meeting